Always Serve A Fresh Glass of Wine
Offer more Wines – by – The Glass – No Fear of Spoilage
Eliminate Waste and Save Money

Our Gas Displaces Oxygen and lays on the Wine like A Gas “BLANKET” Private Preserve Protects the Taste and the Bouquet
Preserves wine in restaurants and homes the same way wineries preserve wine.
An affordable and easy way to enjoy fine wine by the glass
The Best Idea For Wine – by – The Glass Saves Wine for Days, Weeks, Months!
Use each time you pour & store
Put the tip of the extension tube inside the neck of the bottle against the glass. Tube use ensures maximum protection. 3- Spray one long (1 sec.) and 4 short bursts into 750ml bottle.
Larger bottles require additional sprays add one long spray for each larger size. 4- Re-cork immediately & store upright.